Monday, 5 July 2010


It all started with a collision. Not a raindrop hitting a rose petal. Not a mother inflicting a small smack on her wayward child. Not a heavyweight boxer delivering a knockout blow to his opponent’s chin. No, not even two cars hitting each other head-on on a motorway and creating havoc for hours. Or a plane crash. Or a meteorite hitting the earth. We’re talking here about a BIG COLLISION.
When we think ‘collision’, we think ‘damage, destruction, death’.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines collision as ‘is an isolated event in which two or more bodies exert relatively strong forces on each other for a relatively short time’. No mention of damage or death or destruction. So every event above is a collision of sorts; the important word to my mind is ‘relatively’.
So what if this collision involved two universes. That really would be a BIG COLLISION. Yes, I’m talking about THE BIG BANG.
True both universes would have been damaged, maybe even destroyed. But no death in our understanding of the word, unless there were creatures around all those millions of light years ago. Instead, there was Creation. Creation of New Planets. And collisions like this are happening all the time in the far reaches of time and space; yes, even today, new planetary systems are being created with monotonous regularity. No wonder we believe that, somewhere, there must be beings with whom we could communicate!!
(To be continued)

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